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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

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General information: Filet crochet


Beginning mesh (295 Kb)
Mesh (415 Kb)
End mesh (326 Kb)
Double mesh (540 Kb)
Block (552 Kb)
End block (606 Kb)
Lacet (716 Kb)

Filet crochet is a method of forming designs with solid and openwork squares called blocks (bl) and spaces or meshes (sp/mesh). A block is made with 3 dc, and a space/mesh is ch 2, dc. A bl will appear to have 4 dc; the first dc of the bl is the dc that defines the sp preceding the bl. A group of 3 bl will have 9 dc plus 1 dc of sp preceding bl. A foundation ch is 3 times the number of sps in the first row plus 5 if the row begins with a sp (dc in 8th ch from hook) or plus 3 if row begins with a bl (dc in 4th ch from hook and next 2 ch). On following rows ch 5 if next row begins with a sp or ch 3 if row begins with bl.

Beginning mesh: To add a sp at the beginning of a row, ch 7, dc in first dc of previous row; to add several sps, ch 3 times the number of sps plus 4, dc in 8th ch from hook for first sp, *ch 2, sk 2 ch, dc in next ch, rep from *, dc of last sp inc will be in first dc of previous row.

Ending mesh: To add a sp at the end of a row, ch 2, yo hook 3 times, draw up lp in turning ch where last dc was worked, [yo and through 2 lps] 4 times (dtr made for 1 sp). For additional sps, *ch 2, yo over hook 3 times, draw up lp in middle of last dtr, [yo and through 2 lps] 4 times, rep from * as many times as needed.

Beginning block: To add a bl at the beginning of a row, ch 5, ch 3 more for each additional bl inc, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next ch (1 bl inc), dc in each 3 ch for each additional bl inc.

Ending block: To add a bl at the end of a row, yo, draw up lp in top of turning ch where last dc was worked, yo and draw through 1 lp on hook (base st), [yo and draw through 2 lps on hook] twice (dc), *yo, draw up lp in base st, yo and through 1 lp on hook for next base st, [yo and through 2 lps on hook] twice, rep from * once for 1 bl inc, rep from * 3 times for each additional bl inc.

To dec a sp or bl at the beginning of a row, ch 1, sl st in 3 sts across for each sp or bl dec, sl st in next dc, ch 5, sk next 2 sts, dc in next dc if row starts with a sp or ch 3, dc in next 2 sts if row starts with a bl.

To dec a sp or bl at the end of a row, leave 3 sts of each sp or bl unworked.

For lacet, ch 2, skip next st or ch, sc in next st or sp, ch 2, skip next st or ch, dc in next st, or ch 2, sc in ch sp of next bar, ch 2, dc in next st.

For double mesh, ch 5, skip next 5 dc or next lacet, dc in next st.

Patterns to help you practice

All patterns require Adobe Reader.

Anitmasscar Set (Lacet)
Bread Cloth
(Beginning mesh, Mesh, Ending mesh, Beginning block, Block, Ending block)
Waterlily Centerpiece
(Double mesh)

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Stitch abbreviations
Hook sizes: General
Hook sizes: Aluminum
Hook sizes: Steel
Tips for using hooks

Understanding symbols


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