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Customer Reviews for Learn to Crochet Socks

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4.5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 30 customers.)

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August 21, 2022
Jennifer I
I've just started the cloass, have finished watching up to and incouding the instruction of stitches. I wish Rohn had gone much slower so far in demonstrating the individual stitches for a longer periood of time per stitch. He moves much too quickly and the camera angles really don't capture the technique very well. The way Rohn demonstrates the stitches in the beginning of each stitch is excellent. I just wish he'd spent more time per stitch showing them in slow motion. I'm hoping the instruction for the individual sock patterns doesn't move as quickly per sock.
December 7, 2015
Judy K
I just read Joanne's review and she talks of knitting socks, I believe this video is all about crocheting socks. Am I missing something?
Annie's Customer Service

Judy - Yes, you're right - the class is about crocheting socks!