College Bound Throw video
College Bound Throw
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Kendall is the video coordinator at Annie's and has been crocheting for over 8 years. She loves to crochet anything to which she can add a smile, like cartoon foods and plants, as well as baby blankets in simple stitch patterns. She is obsessed with finding new yarn to try and is constantly adding to her work-in-progress pile. Join Kendall on her crochet adventures on her... Full bio »

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Designed by Mary Chisak, the College Bound Throw is the perfect crochet blanket to gift. Working with bright colors and unique textures, join Kendall Waltz as she takes you through the different stripes so you can make your own College Bound Throw.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:
  • V-stitch and single V-stitches
  • Lopsided shell stitch and shell stitches
  • Puff stitches
  • Join new yarn colors with the slip stitch method

  • Skill Level:

    Finished Size:
    36” wide x 60” long

  • Premier Yarns Basix medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (7 oz/ 359 yds/ 200g per skein):
      • 2 skeins #1115-44 linen (A)
      • 1 skein #1115-35 pecan (B)
      • 1 skein #1115-38 mustard (C)
      • 1 skein #1115-45 teal (D)
  • Size I/9/5.5mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
  • Tapestry needle
  • Locking stitch marker
  • To add this pattern to your Annie’s Creative Studio pattern library or to download it to your personal device, click on the Patterns tab above.
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