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Online Classes Home » Classes » Swedish Weaving & Huck Embroidery Made Easy

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Skill Level: Beginner

With just basic stitches, you can work almost any Swedish weave or huck embroidery design. Learn how in this exclusive video!

Katherine Kennedy
Swedish Weaving & Huck Embroidery Made Easy
Katherine Kennedy, Instructor
Annie's Creative Studio Logo

Annie's Creative Studio members get this class, plus 2,050+ more classes and videos and over 1,600 patterns. You could too!

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Katherine Kennedy, Instructor

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Katherine's special is Swedish weaving, also called huck embroidery. Her designs have a bit of a contemporary flare to them yet maintain a traditional look similar to those from the 1930s and '40s. Soon after discovering this craft, Katherine began selling hand-stitched items at shows and in local Scandinavian shops. She also started teaching, and it was her students who really encouraged her to look into publishing patterns. Just over a year later, her first book Easy-Does-It Swedish Weave Towels was published. Katherine now has a full line of chartpacks and kits that are distributed worldwide at her website

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Customer Reviews for Swedish Weaving & Huck Embroidery Made Easy:

Average Rating:
3.5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 31 customers.)

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September 24, 2024
Phyllis N
Thank you, easy to follow!
August 17, 2024
Christine K
It's a great introduction of Swedish Weaving. The more you do, the more you will get it.
July 17, 2023
Susan M
I liked this class and didn't find it too fast to comprehend. I was glad for the info on fabric types and the best thread types for each, which I hadn't found in any book. I'm doing a practice piece and had a question that wasn't answered, but I emailed Katherine and hope to get an answer soon.
April 11, 2023
Heidi M
This class is not very good. She just assumes we all know exactly what to do. I wish she would have shown more how to follow the patterns and went slower on the first small projects so we could understand better how the stitches were done. All I am getting out of this class is total frustration.
May 1, 2022
Beverly B
The instructor perhaps forgets what it's like to be a beginner. She moves too fast on the stitches and does not explain where she is going on the cloth. The video is shot at a side glance and therefore it leaves it troublesome to see where she is going with the next stitch or how far down she is going. Love the embroidery and the instructor is very knowledgeable but not great at teaching,
Annie's Customer Service

Beverly - We would like to find out more from you concerning your post. Someone from pattern services will be contacting you shortly to see what we can do to help.

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