How to Downsize the Right Way video
How to Downsize the Right Way
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Meet The Expert
Norrine Burke is the owner of Call Clutter Fairy home organizing in California. She also runs the YouTube channel, The Crafty Organizer, where she shares her passion for all things Organizing, Decluttering, Upcycling, and Crafting! One of the first DIY craft projects Norrine made was a telephone from dixie cups, toilet paper tubes, and a tissue box…. She was 7! This type... Full bio »

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Find relief from clutter! Downsizing can be an exciting time to feel unburdened from a house filled with too much "stuff!" Whether it’s because you are moving to a smaller home or if your focus is on simply de-cluttering and having less, identifying what is important is your first step.

In this Uncluttered Crafter online video class tutorial brought to you by Annie’s Creative Studio, home organization expert Norrine Burke discusses how to downsize the right way.

In this online video class, you’ll ask yourself several key questions, including:
  • Which items do I use daily?
  • Are there any new hobbies or activities I'd like to explore?
  • What am I most nervous about in this process?
  • What do you see when you envision your next home?