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Beyond Basic Stitches

To crochet a 2 loop I-cord, beg with a sl knot on the hook, ch 2, sk the first ch from the hook, insert hook in the 2nd ch, yo and pull up a lp to create 2 lps on the hook.

This right lp and left lp will be worked in a 4-step repeat to create the I-cord.

Step 1: Remove the left lp from the hook and hold it firmly between thumb and middle finger of the left hand.

Step 2: Yo, pull through the remaining right lp on the hook.

Step 3: Return the left lp to the hook.

Step 4: Yo, pull through the left lp on the hook. This completes the 4-step repeat.

Let's work that again, one more time.

Step 1: Remove the left lp from the hook and hold it firmly between thumb and middle finger of the left hand.

Step 2: Yo, pull through the remaining right lp on the hook.

Step 3: Return the left lp to the hook.

Step 4: Yo, pull through the left lp on the hook.

Repeat these Steps 1 through 4 until the I-cord is the desired length.

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