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Customer Reviews for Learn to Quilt With 60-Degree Rulers

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5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 21 customers.)
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June 5, 2017
Shavon L
I loved everything about this class. I had the ruler for a while but didn't know you could do so much with it. Everything was clearly demonstrated, one of the better classes and instructors on Annie's for sure.
May 28, 2017
Jan H
I have all the rulers, just haven't made any thing yet, that's why I'm taking this class !
January 17, 2017
Annette P
This class was so worth it. I learned some very useful, easy techniques to complete my current project and I had never learned this anywhere before. This is a very useful class for anyone who wants to know how to work with the 60 degree triangle. The class was very well taught and I learned so much. Loved it.
May 20, 2016
Linda V
I purchased this class because I love Marci's work and want to learn all the techniques she has to teach. I'd love it if she would do another class - maybe tumbling blocks?
May 7, 2016
Janice B
I purchased this class as a new quilter. I took a beginners' course some 20 years ago. The teacher quit the business, which ended my classes. I saw this class at Annie's and loved the idea that I could watch it any time I want, as many times as I want and take as much time as I need to learn, like a one-on-one class over and over if I choose.
I decided to listen to all of the course segments to familiarize myself as to what I was "in" for. I have finished the classes for 9 of the blocks. I love the teaching method and Marci does an excellent job. I am going to love this!
December 21, 2015
Gayla L
I purchased this class several months ago and have completed all blocks. Some turned out better than others, but all were wonderful learning experiences. Marci is an excellent instructor, and her tips on pressing were a great aid in keeping those points! The best tip (worth the price of the class) was using starty-stoppies. My blocks are now waiting for me to decide on the perfect layout. Thank you, Marci. I am a more confident quilter as a result of your teaching. Please consider doing another video.
August 22, 2015
Bronwyn B
Hi, I haven't done any quilting for years and now retired; I became motivated to get my machine out. I decided to make a quilt for my youngest daughter and saw this class. I cannot express enough just how great this class is. I am only on my second block. I can say that I think my first one is flawless, thanks to Marci's detail of it all. The first thing I do is print it all off then read it. I just love the triangle ruler method. Not sure at this stage whether I will put all blocks into my project or mix in maybe three, yet with it all there I have the ability to mix it how I want, with is just great. Just love the tip on starty-stoppy's!! Bring on more!!!!
August 10, 2015
Donna W
The camera work in this video is the best I've ever seen in a quilting video. I was able to see every step of the process because of close-ups while stitching and cutting and overhead views. Marci is an excellent teacher and shared every step with clear explanations. I am definitely ready to tackle 60 degree angles and Y-seams are no longer daunting. Frustration free Y-seams have given me the courage to step up to the next level of piecing.
May 23, 2015
Mary L
Beyond any doubt, this was the most information filled online class I have EVER enrolled in! Wow! My head was spinning, but in a good way. Truly loved this class and I can't wait to get started on making these stars and practicing these techniques. Thank you Marci! This old dog has learned some new tricks. You are a fantastic teacher! I only wish the class had been longer, as I hated to see it end.
December 18, 2014
Denise J
I am totally enjoying this class so very much. I just finished my Block 8 and I must say, the lessons have been thoroughly planned out. Removing the tips before sewing, and pressing directions makes everything but perfectly and removes all the bulk! Marci is a wonderful teacher. I'm just loving this entire experience. Thank you!!!!!