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Customer Reviews for Learn to Make a Quilt From Start to Finish

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5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 72 customers.)

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August 25, 2016
Christina D
Love all Annie's classes can not stop going over & over them again & again, so when I get more money it will go on them. Thank you to Annie's & all the wonderful Teacher.
July 17, 2016
Shoshana V
This is easily the best teacher I've ever had to learn a new skill or to refresh and old one. Nancy is clear, encouraging, helpful and just an all-around great teacher. not only did I finish my quilt, I learned so much that I've kept on using again and again and again. Thanks again Nancy for the lifelong gift you give me each time I make another quilt!
May 18, 2016
Vicki S
I feel very prepared to make this quilt after viewing the video. The camera shots gave clear visuals of the process. There were terrific explanations for the various steps. I would not hesitate to take another online class that Nancy offers. And to be encouraged to treat yourself with eating some chocolate candy when you're finished is the best idea of all!!
March 30, 2016
Sophie Y
This class helped me a lot to make my very First Quilt...The top turned out Wonderful....I never thought I could make a quilt....The instructor makes it easy to follow every step. She is an amazing teacher..Thanks Nancy
March 5, 2016
Elizaabeth H
This video is easy to listen to and explained in great detail. I have sewn for many years but never thought I could make a quilt. My first quilt I made for my daughter and it need some help. This Video has made me see the errors I made. You can tell that the instructor is very knowledgeable and easy to follow.
February 21, 2016
Betty K
I have listened to the whole quilting lesson. I have never quilted before so I'm really excited to get my material and get started. All the steps are explained in detail and I have a lot of confidence that I can do this and it will turn out beautiful.
February 3, 2016
Suzanne L
Being the first quilt I ever sewed, I find it helpful. To be capable of watching it over and over again is great. Love all the hints and reminders given by the instructor (Nancy).
January 21, 2016
Rita A
I was so impressed with Nancy, she made you feel like you were in her classroom, she really knows her quilting and thanks to her for wanting to help others, I made a nine patch quilt top and never got to finish the class that I took in the town where I live, so Nancy really helped me out, so far I have the batting and the backing on it and I done a little of stitch in the ditch which she showed was so easy.
Thank you Nancy so much for getting me back to quilting again, I will be referring to this class on my computer from time to time especially if I get stumped on something else.

Your such a wonderful teacher Nancy.
December 28, 2015
Ree T
I learned so much from this and it turned out to be my best quilt so far. Thanks so much.
December 19, 2015
Tatyana M
It's my favorite class so far. As promised you get all information you need to make your first quilt from start to finish. Loved it!