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Rose Tussing

Rose Tussing is an experienced crocheter and knitter. She likes to learn new skills so she has plenty of options when she wants to make something. She is a firm believer that if you have multiple abilities, it's easier to pick the right medium for a project. She occasionally creates her own crochet designs, but she has no patience for sewing, quilting or embroidery. She once made some booties for her newborn nieces and convinced her mom to sew on the buttons. And unless the project is for a specific purpose, she is abysmal at finishing things -- especially if they require blocking, sewing or weaving in ends -- which means she has an embarrassing number of UFO's in her craft room. However, she truly enjoys the process of making something beautiful that will be extra-special to someone, and she has a passion for fibers and the creative process. She also enjoys doing DIY projects around her home.
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