Never Not Knitting

Read more about this wonderful designer below.

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Alana Dakos is a hopelessly obsessed knitter from sunny California, where she lives with her supportive husband and energetic five year old daughter.

Together they run Never Not Knitting, a home based pattern business, and everyone has a part. Alana is the designer, knitter, and sometimes model behind the brand. Alana's husband is a web programmer and handles the tech side of the business, and Alana's daughter is the official childrens knitwear model.

Alana has had a passion for knitting for almost 9 years and always wanted to turn her talent and love for knitting into a family business. Never Not Knitting began in 2009 and has grown quickly to over 100 retail shops worldwide.

Never Not Knitting patterns stand apart as something truly unique in the knitting industry. Each pattern has been designed professionally by graphic artists making them truly a themed work of art. Customers love working from the patterns as much as they love knitting the designs. These full color patterns include custom illustrations, easy-to-read charts, and comprehensive directions for all knitting levels. Alana has used her background as a knitting instructor to create instructions that are complete, accurate, and easy to follow.

Alana also offers free pattern support, so feel free to contact her at if you need help or have any questions.