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Customer Reviews for Learn Corner-to-Corner Crochet

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Average Rating:
5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 52 customers.)

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September 26, 2021
Christine H
Enjoyed the class. Sometimes the angle of the camera made it hard to see where Sarah placed her hook, especially, when she was initially going around the edge of the square. I wished there was a small intro on how to make your own graph. Overall a great class.
June 6, 2021
Judi W
Haven't taken it yet but am looking forward to it.
February 7, 2021
Linda L
I know the basic beginning stitches of crochet and wanted to learn a new crocheting technique and enrolled in this class.
I am hooked! The instructor was very clear and concise. I found, even not knowing anything about this style of crochet I was able to follow along. I love, love, love this class. I have gained a new area of crocheting and plan to make this blanket for a baby shower, I'll send a picture when completed. Can't wait for more classes from Sarah Zimmerman.
September 23, 2020
Donna G
Already knew how to crochet C2C but had been a while and wanted to refresh my memory. Very good course as it steps you through each step clearly and so glad I purchased it to be able to get back into C2C projects. Excellent for first time C2Cers and a great refresher course. Glad to be able to go, pause, start again or go back a few steps.
March 2, 2020
Carol O
Love your method of teaching, and your relaxing manner. You are teaching a small square, My question to you (and if you have a video lesson on this I will be happy to buy it) when doing a throw as I am,and it gets larger, do I turn the blanket (over) or just (around)> i,e. I am attempting for my first throw to do Elsa.
I hope I can learn from you doing an afghan/throw pattern of this type.
October 22, 2019
Calliste H
Very well organized class. The instruction was easy to follow, though I admit I was glad I could rewind and watch again in some spots. I've done simple C2C, but always wondered exactly where to change and carry the colors in a multicolored design. Now I know! Thanks!
July 15, 2019
Diane W
Hi! I though the it was great learning the corner to corner. I always wanted to lean how to do the picture. You explain it very well. I knew how to do the corner to corner but I couldn't get to the picture part. I have the lion made and 2 and half blocks plain blocks done, so far so good, keep up the good work!
April 5, 2019
Elaine B
Excellent tutorial, every step clearly explained. Would recommend this class to everyone wishing to learn c2c.
January 8, 2019
Karen E
I love this class, but need more instructions when your
new to doing c2c.
December 17, 2018
Loretta K
This is a great class.The instructor give very precise instructions,I have wanted to learn c2c and I now have 4 blocks completed,am hoping to finish for Christmas present.This is one of the most cost effective projects to learn a new way of crocheting.I would recommend this class to ANYONE who wants to learn c2c.